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Aeris' Theme

Final Fantasy VII


4.536 avg rating 28 ratings

Tabber: archard

Composer: Nobuo Uematsu

Style: Transcription

Instrument: Guitar

483855 views 18 years ago

Aeris' Theme
Final Fantasy VII
Composed by Nobuo Uematsu









@chris 17 years ago

great tab! thanks a lot, sounds really good. Everyone else that tried to tab this didn't do so well...

@Anthony 17 years ago

thanks for tabbing this : D

@asdf 17 years ago

This sounds great, thanks a lot

@chris 17 years ago

i cried when aeris died =(

@archard 17 years ago

you're not alone D:

@andrew 17 years ago

Hey this is awesome, you rock for tabbing this

@Dillon 17 years ago

wow when i played this it brought me back to when aeris died and almost started to cry...I too cried like chris and archard did T_T

@Kevin Hélie 17 years ago

I cried too because she lost her materia in water, poor cloud.. he'll never know. Great tab btw.

@Brian 17 years ago

Really great job! Sounds just like the song. I highly recomend you continue making tabs for games!

@brokenbladex 17 years ago

"fart yall you go and go fart yourself" meatwad nice tabbing i loved it didnt really know how the song went but i youboobed it and learned how it went

@MrSmileyFace 17 years ago

sob...being a flower girl must s*ck

@gaara0sand 17 years ago

nice tab, it sounds great..thanx

@coolio90 17 years ago

well, i can't say i cried, but when i played this tab, which btw is a very good tab, it brought back memories.

@xshadowgunnx 17 years ago

Same as coolio. Made me wanna play VII all over again

@maybe u saved ma life . . . 17 years ago

iam very thankful for this becouse its the best song ever and i can think about things which i don't understand in the moment... tnx again friend

@DinoBen 17 years ago

I cried when she died too guys. Don't worry, we all felt it.

@vincent 17 years ago

Keep tabbing these things archard, they always bring me back to better days, Much appreciated.

@poeticjedi 17 years ago

i dono how feasible it is, this is awesome, but what about a version with more multi string play, like how theres now a version for the metal gear solid theme, something like the piano version of this song, if any of you play piano youll know what i mean i hope thx for the tabs guys its awesome here

@Some random guy 17 years ago

This was the first song I learned to play on the guitar to keep me company as I improved my skill, you have my thanks archard :p

@Serkai 17 years ago

Great, just great! And yeah I cried to... very emotional there :'(

@GuitarMan 17 years ago

It is pretty good but the guitar pro version is better by far. no offence

@archard 17 years ago

What guitar pro version?

@Stumpy 17 years ago

yea I wanted something more multi string too. think it'll sound better. it'd sound more complete too. love the tab as it is though, good job. I cried when Aeris died, but I'm a girl. Does that give me a good excuse? And damnit I want guitar pro whatever it is...all i hear is good things :[

@Rockin Robert 17 years ago

Yeah... I don't know what it is there is some essence in this music that gives u feeling... I love it man this is awesome music thanks for that tab... oh and btw u guys arent a bunch of emo femi game geeks eith3r... im with u all the way :D

@ethan 17 years ago

Great tab, Great song, Makes me want to play the game again. Nice job on it.

@neo rpgomaniak 17 years ago

I love this song, tab and Aeris is my favourite character.

@xf 17 years ago

omggg sweettt I love so much this song!! Thx for it! It looks really good! Your the best! This is the best tab ever! thank ye :P

@Xero 17 years ago

Really good thanks

@jz7878 17 years ago

nice... very nice... but it could have some more stuff added to it... ill just figure it it out on my on though, but thnx to you for making this tab for me to work off of. Props to you and tothe great Nobua Uematsu for making some of the most epic music I will ever hear in my entire life

@buster_blade 17 years ago

waaah so emotional i cried too i must admit good times good times

@Nintaroz 17 years ago

Got rid of the guitar...now it time to buy another. Love the game so much i named my 2nd girl Aeris...no kidding!! and i did cry! no shame

@Kingofcheese 17 years ago

im bad at reading these kinds i can only read the regular notes good

@GuitarFanatic 17 years ago

I was just wondering what 0h2p0 and 2h4p2 stand for? I don't get what I'm supposed to do when I get that part.... Please tell me, thanks!

@archard 17 years ago

Those are hammer on and pull offs.

See my guitar tab symbols guide for details


@GuitarFanatic 17 years ago


@Kain1991 17 years ago

wow, this must be a very popular tab, and i feel for u guys that cried, lol, but theres an easier way to play this song if u ask me....srry if its a bit off, tabing from sound (my fist tabbing, so be nice if im a lil wrong)tempo is a bit messed up, so just go with the flow








sounds bout right to me, but im srry if its wrong still

@Guilherme C.C. 17 years ago

Yo guys, it touched my heart deeply... Thanks for the post, man! Just awesome!

@Benjamin 17 years ago

Holy shi-- Winner tab by far (in my opinion)! T___T

WIN! :c

@SoulofTwilight 17 years ago

Very nice archard keep up the good work!

@sifon 17 years ago

this is awesome

@RPGmastar 17 years ago

I cried when she died. This song made me play FF7 over from the very beginning to the end. And with me being a gaming freak, I had to find every little secret within the game.

@masterg 17 years ago

Fantasitc, cant wait to learn this so i can shut everyone up by showing them my guitar is not a phase >.<

@Jory Turgeon 16 years ago

lol, i think i cried more when i was at the part at the very end... and then all my characters were sitting on the edge waiting for me to jump in and i was being stupid and used my save crystal and now i can't do anything... it sucks

@Jory Turgeon 16 years ago

im not expert at this... but in the first part where it goes 4 2 3 2 0 ETC... that 0 sounds a little off? is that just my guitar?

@your name here 16 years ago

I didn't cry when Aeris died. I jumped for joy and did a jig. She always annoyed me to pieces, I hated her. Her and Tifa. So irritating. Come to think of it, almost all of the characters annoyed me. Red was cool, though. And Reno.

I always root for the bad guys, anywho. :/

The good guys being stupid hasn't stopped me from conquering the game four times, all secrets completed.

Kefka > Sephiroth. Sephirtoh was just messed up in the head. Kefka was pure evil.

...Anyway, back on topic. Very nicely tabbed. I've tried a few others which are a lot higher-pitched, but I think I prefer this one. Much simpler. Five'd.

@StrifeOfTheAges 16 years ago

I have to say, hearing this song always makes me smile, but I cry anyway. I don't care what anyone says, I played this game about two or three years ago when I was 14. I knew it was coming, I knew she was going to die.

Even so, when it actually happened, I cried and I then actually felt angry at sephiroth for killing her and the anger was somehow intenisfied by the fact that due to certain materia on cloud, he was invincible for the following boss fight.

It is easily the most recognized song in Final Fantasy besides one winged angel and the victory music. And Archard, you are my hero for tabing so many songs and making them so easy to play. Keep doing what you doing, and I'll keep on playing them.

@yuuichi 16 years ago

has anyone tabs to play the accompaniment for this song so me and my friend can play it together

@rakun 16 years ago

I just finished Crisis Core and I almost cry when Zack was killed. Now I understand better the whole Cloud-Aeris thing.

@lskennedy 16 years ago

I almost cried when aeris died, but whenever i heard the song from the ancient village, my stomach would hurt, i just recently got over that. But yeah, this is a great tab, and i miss aeris. crisis core was amazing, truly and definitely amazing. I miss zack too.

@umm... 16 years ago

ummm. why do people keep calling you Archard when your name is Richard?¿?¿?¿

@Emily 16 years ago

does anyone know this for violin or piano?

@moosher12 16 years ago

tthis is good it only took me an hour to learn it and im just a noob so this tab seems to be simple enough but follows the sound exactly

@Solid Snake 16 years ago

This is Snake. Gametabs, can you hear me?

I played Final Fantasy VII shortly before fighting in Zanzibar Land. Even tough guys like me get emotional, and I can tell you, I was saddened deeply by Aeris' death. This music is excellent.

Archard, there's no one I'd rather have in a foxhole than you.

@FinalFantasyGuitarist 16 years ago

man this song is so beutiful and easy to play thx for tabing it =D

@Brian 16 years ago

right on the money

@CrimsonGhost 16 years ago

i love this song not to gard to paly either

@meh 16 years ago

i love this song... but i think it's missing one thing... i don't know if its just me but it sounds like it's missing a 2 on the G string for the last note....

@XonimaruX 15 years ago

great tab and easy to play thx because made this tab...

@Turtle_Bob 15 years ago

tab is awesome thanks a bunch. im playin ff7 again, its the best game ever u get really attached to it. its kinda set me on an ff campaign to get every piece of ff merchandise i can and all the games. aerith is my favourite female character

@dyczer 15 years ago

I created an account to tell you thank you. Me and my two best friends played this game like crazy when we were younger. This music really is an important part to the game. Of course, I'd like the music whether it was part of the game or not.

Every once in awhile my friends get to feeling bad. They turn to me while I'm strumming my guitar lightly and they say: "Hey play Aeris theme." I do and everybody gets silent no matter where we are.

I told em' I'd play it at their funerals if I out live them. And, I demand it at mine as well. You know some of Mozart's best stuff came from his operas. I wonder if video game composers will be seen for their talent. Granted they're not all fantastic, but Uematsu is something different.

Final Fantasy IX has some great music like the them to Dali or Freya's theme.

Thanks again.

@One Magical Dream 15 years ago

Archard, Thank you for creating such a fantastic tab for a wonderful composition. It's simple enough that a n00b like me can play it, yet it still allows all of the emotion that the song conveys to come across. Excellent work.

On another note, honestly, I cried more when Zack fell than I did when Aerith passed... Aerith went to the Forgotten City knowing it was going to be her grave... Then again, I suppose that Zack knew that that last fight was going to be his end as well. I still tear up whenever I hear those last words: "Hey, Cloud... Do you think I became a hero...?" In my eyes, I can't answer anything other than absolutely.

@Greensaber 15 years ago

Love the tab but never like aeris. Red XIII ftw!

@greyfox13 15 years ago

if i were to describe my teen years in 3 words it would be final fantasy 7, and being able to play these songs from the game, well its something else. i still cry when i see aeris die. but i digress, archard, u r a god amongst ants and i bow down to u!

@clouldstrifezackfair 15 years ago

Thanks for this awesome tab. Sounds real good.

@noob guitarist 15 years ago

Great tab and Kain's 1991 tab is okay to

@riccieri 15 years ago

Was the first song I learned on guitar, thank you! Brought me good memories =D

PS: Made an account just for commenting

@ola3 14 years ago

that was the most wonderful tab i have ever played

@DoomTrain666 14 years ago

ok, anyone who cried when she died is a normal person to me

and btw, nice tabs

@The Earl Of Sandvich 13 years ago

Perfect tab

And everyone cries when she died, it's so sad

@kiajoojeh 10 years ago

i thank you for this :)